Sunday, 21 June 2015

Sunday Meditations: 7 P's That will Shape Your Life.

By Zion Emmanuel Obeten

There are seven (7) solid P’s we must discover, utilize, maximize and explore to achieve a greater dimension of success.

These 7 P’s have helped build a man’s entire foundation; these 7 P’s are needed by every manager and leader in every organization; these 7 P’s are the Pillars that hold and keep us standing tall and strongeven when the storms of failure and despondency rage.

These 7 P’s are:
·         Purpose to live for,
·         People to live with,
·         Principles to live by,
·         Profession to live out,
·         Power to live on,
·         Passion to live from and
·         Possibilities to always think through.

When you work towards fulfilling these 7 P’s, you are bound to be a PRINCIPAL in your and others’ world.

Zion Emmanuel Obeten A banker by profession, a motivational and inspirational speaker and writer with a passion. He is by the help of God touching lives around the world with his gifts. He aspires to be a best selling world class author and send hope to every part of the world through his write-ups and words.

He can be reached here

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